The Final Conference is scheduled in Györ, West Transdanubiai (HU); November 8th 2011.
Location: Hotel Famulus H-9027 Győr, Budai út 4-6.
Tel: +36 96/547-770, Fax: +36 96/547-779
09.00 | Registration |
09.30 | Plenary session |
10.10 | Key note speech by Mrs Luisa Sanches (European Commission, DG Regio and Fast Track member) particular emphasis on new framework 2014 – 2020 and 3S (Smart Specialisation Strategies) Platform - SCINNOPOLI |
11.00 | Coffee Break |
11.20 | SCINNOPOLI Presentation: methodology and main results, Policy recommendations |
13.00 | Signature Ceremony: signing the regional action plans |
13.30 | Buffet lunch, with press conference |
14.30 | 3 Parallel workshops on particular subtopics of SCINNOPOLI
16.00 | Conference Conclusions with reflection of the workshops External expert view on SCINNOPOLI by moderator |
17.30 | Dinner with art performance |
Further information:
Language of the conference is English (with Hungarian interpretation). Moderation and catering will be provided during the event.
Please send your filled registration form by the 24th of October 2011, e-mail:
If you arrive the day before and/or you stay for the night after the conference please don’t forget to book your hotel room by yourself.
You can book directly at the hotel by the 24th October 2011
(Room price/per person: EUR 60,- in single room, EUR 34,- in double room; VAT, breakfast included).
Please book via e-mail: under the code SCINNOPOLI.
If you have any questions about the hotel, please call: Ms Mária Matesz-Németh 0036 30 497-8998.
You are kindly asked to consider the registration and booking deadline because of the limited number of free rooms in the hotel.
Pplease book your transfer directly at the transfer company Aerobus under the code SCINNOPOLI: (
You can get some information about the prices:
Download Registration-Form
16/11/2010 "INNOVATION MARATHON 2010" Interim Conference – Poznan, Wielkopolska
International Fair in Poznan, Glogowska 14
Creating regional innovation policy Good practices of SCINNOPOLI Partners and experiences of Polish regions
Moderator: dr Monika Matusiak
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About 100 participants attended the Interim Conference of SCINNOPOLI on November the 16th, which was opened by the Vice Marshall of Wielkopolska. Two innovative examples of Wielkopolska’s innovation policy from the academic “PreInkubator” and the ProDesign Center for Design in Wielkopolska were presented as well as Good Practice cases from the Partner regions. Luisa Sanches from the European Commission highlighted the necessity of monitoring of innovation and its related policy.
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09.30 – 10.00 Registration and welcome coffee 10.00 – 10.05 Visual presentation of World Days of Innovation in Poznan 10.05 – 10.10 Welcome
Leszek Wojtasiak, Vice Marshall of Wielkopolska, Irma Priedl, SCINNOPOLI Project Leader, Introduction of SCINNOPOLI10.10 - 10.30 Initiatives from Wielkopolska
"Preinkubator" Wojciech Gilewski, President of Poznan Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator10.30 - 10.50 Initiatives from Wielkopolska
"Design Management" Ewa Voelkel, Head of the Board Prodesign Ltd in Poznan10.50 – 11.00 Visual presentation of design idea 11.00 – 11.25 Why do we monitor regional innovation policy? Luisa Sanches, representative of SCINNOPOLI Fast Track Committee, DG Regio 11.25 – 11.50 Creating new innovation policy tools through pilot actions Irma Priedl, Lower Austria 11.50 – 12.10 Coffee break 12.10 – 12.45 Monitoring the impact of R&D funding Annie Renders, Eric Sleeckx, Flanders 12.45 – 13.20 Evidence based policy Gabriela Fiori, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 13.20 – 13.40 Inspirations from SCINNOPOLI Good Practices Elzbieta Ksiazek, Wielkopolska 13.40 – 14.50 Trends in regional innovation policy in Poland, Introduction by dr Monika Matusiak, Discussion among regional representatives 14.50 Lunch - End of Conference
The Conference took place in: Poznan International Fair in Poznan Congress Centre, ul. Głogowska 14;
60-734 Poznań