SCINNOPOLI is a Capitalisation Project based on the insights and Good Practices of 4 interregional projects on 'Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking' (Specific Support Action "Research and Innovation" activity area, Sixth Framework Programme) and further Good Practices of the partner regions in impact assessment of regional innovation policy. The partnership consists of 9 regions from 8 countries spread over Europe with a good mixture of advanced regions and catching up regions. All partners are involved in the development of their own regional innovation policy as being the Regional Operational Programme managing authority or an intermediate body and will have full support of the respective ROP managing authority confirmed by a signed letter of support for SCINNOPOLI.
Therefore, all partner regions will implement/improve their impact scanning activities directly within their Regional Operational Programmes according to the regional action plan which every partner will jointly develop with the interregional partners with strong involvement of the own managing authority and further stakeholders of its region.
The work programme over 24 months is characterised by an intensive interregional exchange among all partners about the current system of scanning the impact of the regional innovation system as well as about already identified and acknowledged methodologies in monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment.
This approach will facilitate the development of these regional action plans which will be approved by the ROP managing authorities at the end of SCINNOPOLI.
The SCINNOPOLI Recommendations on SCanning INNOvation POLicy Impact will be published at the end of the project summarising the experiences of the partner regions in learning from each other and the joint interregional elaboration of the transfer action plans with the show cases from the 9 partner regions.
The SCINNOPOLI consortium is open for the stakeholders and intermediaries in the partner regions and also to other European regions for further exchange and the dissemination of the SCINNOPOLI results by organising promotion workshops in the partner regions, hosting two conferences with invitation of observer regions, releasing a brochure, 2 newsletters and setting up a website which will remain available for a minimum of five years after the closure of the project.