The Second Collection of Interregional Cooperation Projects brochure has been edited and printed in June 2010.
This brochure gives an overview of the second series of 74 INTERREG IVC projects approved in 2009, and follows on from the "First collection", published in 2008.
Each project is presented by theme, along with the list of partners involved and the amount of funding received.
Download PDF version of the SCINNOPOLI project page here.
The brochure is available to download under:
If you would like a hard copy, please contact Aline Gavelle at the INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat to request one.
The brochure presents an initial overview of the SCINNOPOLI project in order to inform regional, national and European stakeholders of the project's existence, the partners and theirGood Practices at a glance.
Download: Scinnopoli Brochure 09/2010
Further Publications: