The second Newsletter is published by end of 2011.
The content is about the results of the project.
- Final Conference in Györ
- Fast track support:
- Regional Action Plans
- Preferable Framework Conditions
- Policy Recommendations
- Twinning Partners
- Conclusions
Download Second Newsletter 2011: here
The first Newsletter is published by end of 2010.
The content is about the current status, the allready gained results and remaining challanges.
- Interim balance of Scinnopoli:
- Challenging targets
- Joint initiatives and common structures
- Transfer workshops as a strong tool
- Deep delegation of the relevant stakeholders
- Interim results
- Outlook and remaining challanges
- Introduction of the website
- Events ans dissemination
- Scinnopli at the Open Days 2010
- The added value of Scinnopoli for Wielopolska
- Festival dell´Innovazione 2010 in Bari/Puglia
- Upcoming events
Download First Newsletter 2010: here