
SCINNOPOLI @ Festival dell’ Innovazione 2010 in Bari/Puglia;
1st -3rd December 2010

SCINNOPOLI has actively participated in the Innovation Festival 2010 in Bari/Puglia with the representation of the project at the stand of the SCINNOPOLI partner ARTI and in form of a workshop on “Evaluating the impact of regional innovation policies: European experiences”.

During the 3 days event an estimated number of 7.400 people have visited the Festival dell’ Innovazione.  The representatives of SCINNOPOLI have explained to interested visitors the SCINNOPOLI objectives and the applied Good Practice transfer process.

During the two hours workshop several speakers explained the current regional activities on “Evaluating the impact of regional innovation policies”, introduced by Giuseppe Creanza (ARTI) by giving an overview over the innovation support tools in the Apulia region and pointing out the importance of monitoring their impact.

Francesco Surico from InnovaPuglia SpA talked about the direct state aid schemes for companies in the field of industrial research and innovation.

A new synthetic indicator for the measurement of innovation outputs was introduced by Michele Capriati (University of Bari), related to patenting and the costs for patenting.

Hans Christian Jäger from IDEUM, contributed to the workshop with a presentation of monitoring experiences from the SCINNOPOLI partners with particular focus on some pragmatic examples from the lead partner Lower Austria.

In his speech Pasquale Orlando (Puglia Region) explained the objectives and priorities of the regional policies for innovation and research in the 2007-2013 programming period in Puglia and that SCINNOPOLI can provide substantial input

Valutare le politiche regionali per l’innovazione: esperienze europee a confront
Giovedì 2 dicembre, Fiera del Levante, Sala 7 Padiglione 10

Agenda - Programma:

11:30 Introduzione Giuseppe Creanza - ARTI  --> download
11:45 La valutazione delle politiche di innovazione in Puglia, bisogni e opportunità
Pasquale Orlando - Regione Puglia
12:00 Le politiche per il sostegno della domanda di innovazione delle PMI in Puglia
Francesco Surico - InnovaPuglia SpA
12:15 Implementing innovation policies evaluation systems in Europe: experiences, problems and benefits
Hans-Christian Jäger – IDEUM --> download
12:30 Indicatori territoriali per la valutazione della spesa in ricerca ed innovazione
Michele Capriati - Università di Bari
12:45 Discussione aperta
13:30 Fine dei lavori

Regional innovation synergies from EU measurement and analytical tools

The aim of this workshop is to provide an overview of the main analytical tools and the most up-to-date information sources available to ensure that regional decision-makers develop effective innovation and cluster policies. It will cover initiatives such as the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, the Regional Innovation Monitor and the European Cluster Observatory recently implemented by the Commission in order to create a robust knowledge base for innovation performance and cluster management across Europe. Attendance should ideally be coupled with the workshop on "Better cluster support services for green innovation" (Workshop Code 06B41).

Venue: Centre Borschette, room 0C
Organisers: European Commission, DGs Enterprise and Regional Policy

Welcome & Introduction: the role of regions to foster innovation:
Katja Reppel, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, Belgium

Regional innovation metrics: 2009 Regional Innovation Scoreboard:
Hugo Hollanders - Senior Researcher MERIT (Maastricht University) --> download

Regional Innovation Monitor:
Mr Jacek Walendowski - Senior Consultant Technopolis Group Belgium --> download

The European Cluster Observatory – an analytical tool for cluster policy:
Örjan Sölvell, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden --> download

SCINNOPOLI – SCanning INNOvation POLicy Impact, Creating Synergies among European Initiatives:
Irma Priedl - Lower Austrian Government --> download